The perfect time of year to start adorning yourself in jewels fit for a vampire queen, here are our top picks and how best to wear them. ................................................ The Familiars

Image Source; Charlie Luxe Vintage. Current figural pieces in stock Where would a witch be without her familiar? Ever a fan of the witch theme for Halloween and pop culture in general, a figural charm added into a neck mess is a must for a Halloween vibe. Take your pick from an enchanting spider, all the way through to a charming lucky carved coral elephant. Garnets

Image Source ; Charlie Luxe Vintage. Current pieces in stock set with garnet gemstones This gemstone is truly the epitome of Halloween season for us, the dark blood red cabochons seeming to glow from within, sat next to delicious twinkling foiled reverse flat cut garnets and all harmoniously paired with rich yellow gold. Silver Hued Jewels

Image Source ; Charlie Luxe Vintage. Current pieces in stock set with paste, pearls, moonstone and quartz gemstones. From icy paste gemstone to pale pearl cabochons, these glistening gems feel reminiscent of a spider's web, or delicate beams of moonlight streaming down through gaps in a forest's canopy. An eery luminous glow that mixes well with deeper tone gemstones. Carved Cameos and Gemstones

Image Source; Charlie Luxe Vintage. Current carved pieces in stock
With an ancient dark academia feel, carved gemstones feel like talismans, and add interest and intrigue into a jewellery look. There is something foreboding about a cherubic face carved in relief on deep coral, or a bewitching green chrysoprase with a spell like carving tracing the cabochon front.

Will you be opting to sprinkle in some spellbinding jewels for all Hallow's Eve ? Tell us in the comments what charms are currently residing as your familiar, or if there is a perfect juicy gem perched on your finger for the spooky autumnal season.